THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW Introduction and Overview II. Powers of ten notation, basic astronomical units (AU, light year, etc). Basic inventory of Universe (planets, stars, galaxies, etc... general appearance and features and relative sizes). Fundamental forces and the structure of atoms. Chapter 1. Features of the celestial sphere. Definition of celestial equator, poles. Definition of angular diameter. Ecliptic, Zodiac. Cause of seasons. Cause and appearance of eclipses and phases of Moon. Contributions of Aristarchus, Eratosthenes, Aristotle, Ptolemy; the methods they used, and approximately when they lived. Contribution of Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo and Newton and about when they lived. Kepler's laws and their use. The Kelvin Temperature scale. BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT ASTRONOMICALLY DEFINES THE DAY, MONTH, AND YEAR. Chapter 2. Law of inertia. Newton's laws. Law of gravity. Escape velocity. Chapter 3. A CRITICALLY IMPORTANT CHAPTER. GET THIS INFO DOWN OR YOU'RE DOOMED. Nature of light: wave or particle. Basic properties of light: wavelength and its relation to color and energy. Kinds of Electromagnetic radiation (radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays). Structure of atom and nucleus. Use of Wien's Law. Types of spectra. How spectra are produced. Meaning of ionization. Doppler shift and its use. Chapter 4. Earth. Cause of seasons. Chapter 6. Cause and appearance of eclipses. Why eclipses are rare. Chapter 7. Names of planets and their order from Sun. Types of planets (terrestrial/Jovian) and which are which. Asteroid belt and Oort cloud and their relation to asteroids and comets. Definition of density and approximate range of values. Basic features of planetary orbits. Bode's Law. Theory of formation of the Solar System. Meaning and properties of solar nebula, planetesimal. Chapter 11. Size of Sun relative to Earth. Structure of Sun: hydrostatic equilibrium, energy generation by conversion of hydrogen into helium. Learn the proton-proton cycle. Solar surface features (spots, flares, prominences, granulation, and so forth). Atmospheric layers (corona and chromosphere, solar wind). Nature of solar cycle, its cause, and possible terrestrial effects. Maunder minimum. Chapter 12. Another important chapter. Parallax, its definition and use. Inverse square law, its use. Concept of magnitudes (i.e., brightness). STEFAN-BOLTZMANN LAW AND ITS USE. Features of the H-R diagram. Approximate size and luminosity of stars relative to Sun. Be able to draw and label H-R diagram. Use of binary stars give information about stellar masses, radii, etc. Be able to calculate stellar masses from binary data. Chapter 13. Be able to write a three or so paragraph essay giving DETAILS of how a star is born, ages, and dies. Know WHY things happen. Basic features of stellar structure (hydro equilib, thermal equilib, energy generation, opacity, convection). Basic features of nuclear burning and synthesis of heavy elements. Life expectancy of stars. Know difference in evolution for low- and high-mass star and be able to sketch changes of star's properties in HR diagram with an evolutionary track. Know what causes a star's death and features of supernova explosions. Chapter 14. Understand WHY some stars end up as white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes. Be able to describe properties of each and approximate sizes. Definition of Schwarzschild radius and its derivation. Features of pulsars, x-ray binaries. Astro evidence for black holes. Chapter 15. Structural features of the Milky Way (size, shape, rotation, kinds of stars, mass, and HOW WE KNOW). Location of Sun and origin of spiral arms. Role of variable stars in measuring size of Milky Way. Nebulas (dark, reflection, emission). Importance of radio observations for penetrating dust and mapping Milky Way. Origin of the Milky Way. Chapter 16. Types of other galaxies and their differences and basic features (E, S, and Irr). Theories of how these types form. Properties of active galaxies (Seyfert, Radio, and Quasars). Model for active galaxies. Be able to use Hubble law. Dark Matter problem. Properties of galaxy clusters. Chapter 17. Evidence for expanding Universe. Big Bang and relation of its date to Hubble constant. Microwave background and its origin. Olbers' paradox. Geometry of model universes (open vs. closed, i.e., bounded or not), and what determines whether open or closed. Properties of early Universe. Nature of anti-matter. Inflationary Universe and its relation to Big Bang. GUTS.